

A story about communication and friendship.

Do you speak in rainbows? Lambicorn does.

This book is for anyone who expresses themselves in full color. With her open heart and open mind, Lambicorn has found that everyone deserves love, kindness, and patience.

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Full color paperback, 22 pages

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Bring Lambicorn home.

Handmade Lambicorn plush toy, 16x10 in.

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This book is not about autism, though I think some messages and themes are relevant. My son is autistic, but I do not consider myself qualified to speak for that community.

As neurotypical people we have a responsibility to be allies to the best of our abilities. I believe that school personnel, therapists, and medical professionals can better accommodate different forms of expression. Rather than normalizing neurodiverse behavior, we can embrace and accept it as a way to better understand others.

There are some great resources for those who wish to learn more at:


I have always been more comfortable drawing or writing than speaking to others. As a result, I often have trouble engaging with new people. The friends I have made, became my family, including my (now) husband.

This personal experience has given me a unique perspective on how to relate to others. My son is autistic and has seizures that have affected his ability to speak. When he began to lose his speech, though frustrating, we started to focus on other forms of communication. We continue to work hard to understand each other and it makes our bond stronger.

Joni Hess